I'm tired of constantly refreshing and verifying that I am human. So I decided to build a local ChatGPT client. I had read about Pynecone, a Python full-stack web app development framework, a while ago and had always wanted to try it.
I mainly followed this tutorial 使用 Cloudflare Workers 解决 OpenAI 和 ChatGPT 的 API 无法访问的问题 · noobnooc/noobnooc · Discussion #9 and bought a 99 cents domain from 99 Cent Domain Name Registration | $1 Coupons - Namecheap. To add this domain to Cloudflare I just followed the instructions on the website. Later I found this guide How to set up DNS records for your domain in Cloudflare account - Hosting - Namecheap.com. The only tricky part for me was setting up the nameservers because I had never done that before. After that, I waited for about 15 minutes and the site became active.
My expectation was that I could finish the simple client in 1 or 2 hours. But it actually took much longer.
1.Python version
I declared a class Diaglog to store role and content information. For each session, I have a dialogs variable with an array of Dialog objects. Python always gives me an error when I try to access dialog.role
or dialog.content
. I tried to type annotate the dialogs variable with list[Dialog]
. A different error. After several fruitless google searches, I suddenly realized that type hinting has changed since Python 3.10. My environment was Python 3.8. So I created a 3.11 environment and the error disappeared.
Pynecone's button component has an is_loading
field which is perfect for signaling the user "Your input has been sent, please wait before an answer is returned". However, when I tried to change the loading state by changing the boolean variable linked to is_loading
, it doesn't work. I think it has something to do with blocking, sync, async? The fix is quite simple. Instead of putting everything in one function, have separate functions and chain them together.
on_click=[State.toggle_loading, State.send_message, State.toggle_loading, State.clear_input_text],
I like Pynecone a lot but I need to read the document closely before I build anything serious with it.
cocktailpeanut/dalai: The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine
Noam Chomsky: The False Promise of ChatGPT
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